
esc. is a Ghent [BE] based techno collective, created and formed by Tim Strafinsky and Formwandler. esc. stands for escapism; the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy.

esc. is situated on the other side of the techno spectrum; a never ending exploration into the abyss of techno music. From deep minimalism, ambient filled melancholia, to raw edged, impelled hypnotic forms of meditation.

esc. started in 2020 during the pandemic as a podcast series, curated by Tim. Monthly doses of the  newest techno sounds, in collaboration with a variety of local artists.

After more than a year of silence, the time has come to escape once again. In collaboration with like minded artists, esc. will provide once more a monthly podcast. Become an escapist, and join us on our escape from reality.